Addiction is a destructive force that causes unimaginable misery and pain for addicts, their families and their friends. However, there is hope. Addiction is something from which we can recover and many people have overcome their addiction to go on to live happy, fulfilling lives. Rehabilitation is a treatment process that helps addicts in recovering from their addiction and learning how to live a sober life. It will typically include detoxification, counselling and therapy, with the methods varying depending on the individual rehab centre.
Why is addiction so devastating?
Addiction is a substance use disorder defined by an uncontrollable and compulsive desire to use drugs and/or alcohol despite the negative consequences. Substance use disorders are chronic, relapsing illnesses that harm a person’s physical and mental health, as well as their personal relationships. A person with a drug or alcohol use disorder and addiction may lose their job, damage their relationships and experience financial ruin, among other negative consequences.

What forms of addiction are there?
Addiction can take many different forms, including alcohol addiction (alcoholism), substance abuse and behavioural addictions such as gambling addiction and sex addiction.
How do you know if someone has an addiction?
If you’re wondering whether you or a loved one may have an addiction, there are some signs and symptoms to look out for, including:
⦁ A strong need or compulsion to use the substance.
⦁ Difficulty cutting down or quitting despite harmful consequences.
⦁ Continuing to use despite relationship or work problems.
⦁ Giving up important activities to use.
⦁ Using in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended.
⦁ Exhibiting withdrawal symptoms when not using.
What causes addiction?
There is no single cause of addiction. Rather, it is a complex disease that can have biological, psychological and social components.
⦁ Biological factors include genes, brain chemistry and the environment within the individual’s body.
⦁ Psychological factors include mental health disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder), trauma and personality traits.
⦁ Social factors include family relationships, peer pressure, social norms and exposure to substance abuse at an early age.
How can rehabilitation help?
Rehabilitation is the process of helping an addicted person recover from their dependence on alcohol or drugs. It can be done through different types of treatment, such as detoxification, therapy and support groups. Drug and alcohol rehab centres offer a safe and structured environment in which people can detoxify from substances and start to address the underlying causes of their addiction.

What are the benefits of rehabilitation?
The main benefit of rehabilitation is that it can help people to recover from addiction and live healthy, productive lives. Rehabilitation can also reduce the risk of relapse and help people to develop coping mechanisms to deal with triggers and difficult situations.
There are many different types of rehabilitation centres, each offering different approaches to treatment. Some rehabilitation centres focus on detoxification, while others may offer a more holistic approach that includes therapy and support groups. It is important to find a rehabilitation centre that offers an approach that is right for you or your loved one.
The Wayback Committee is committed to helping people with addictions find a way back. We have been providing residential drug and alcohol treatment to the Sydney community since 1969, providing a place for people to come and live in rehabilitation. Our Residential Program is a four-phase program that moves clients through a variety of activities to achieve competency levels for graduation and has been shown to be an effective approach to treating addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please contact us. We are here to help!